Thursday, October 2, 2008

What are the chances!

These are images of barns that I saw out of the corner of my eye while driving between Red Deer and Calgary Alberta back in 1989/90, I actually did not have my camera with me at the time. I had to drive halfway back to Red Deer to get it. The urgency was that I was not sure it would still be standing the next time I happen to pass by it again.

A funny thing happened concerning one of the photos is that two years ago, I was in my accountant's office, one of my accountants friends was a photographer who had given him a number of his photos (blown up and framed) to hang in his office. One day while walking down the hall of his office I noticed a picture of a barn in a field that was falling over, I thought to myself that it looked familiar. Upon taking a closer look, I noticed that it was in fact the same barn taken a few years before or later I'm not sure. I ended up talking to the photographer to confirm this fact and it was in fact the same barn, he came upon it just like I did and could not resist taking a very similar photo. (I will have to now go and take a picture of it and put it up on the blog in the near future).

What are the chances!


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